Amp for Focal Diablo Utopia Colour Evo

Good morning all.  I have recently acquired a pair of Focal Diablo Utopia stand mounts and thinking it's about time to upgrade the system and would like to seek some advice from everyone here as I'm quite new to hi fi.
After doing a ton of research online, I'm considering:
1. PS Audio BHK pre and either 250 stereo or 300 mono
2. Benchmark LA4 and AHB2
3. Jeff Rowland Capri and 535
Do you think these would work with the speakers?  Which one would be best?  Any other suggestions?
Thank you for your help!

One more thing, the houses in Hong Kong are tiny unless you're mega rich.  So I don't have a listening room and my system is in the living room which is about 300 sqft.  One major limitation I have is that my hifi components has to go on TV cabinet/desk which is only 16 inches deep (wife won't allow a hifi cabinet or changing to a deeper one), this really limits the amps that I can get to 17 inches deep..So the Pass Labs stuff won't fit
Now I better understand your situation and not being able to try it out in your system in your environment makes it difficult. I would look at upgrading your preamp/streamer if it were me as the Primaluna is a very good power amp. Or you could switch out to an Integrated, Primaluna makes several models of tube integrated(s) and they should have a similar sonic signature to your power amp which you already said you like. Good Luck


I know this is a bit of an old thread, but I had Diablo EVO and felt it was wonderful with Luxman.  I did not care for Focal with Audio Research Ref 75 or Simaudio 700i or Boulder 565.  Also sounded good with tube pre into class A amp.