To pricey

Hello was looking at a pair of B&W 804d or 803d but so expensive are they worth it.  ????


@2psyop -- Some of the planet correctly believes that the kind of pseudoscience that liberals apply is what's evil--most people have no idea what science or the scientific method is and the term is slung around like a frisbee.

Maybe he meant to say "To pricey or not to pricey-that is the question" ?

@wyoboy yeah, you are proving my point: you provided zero facts, just baseless assumptions and accusations

@grislybutter "Facts" about what ?  Whether B&W's are worth the expense?  There are no facts--only opinion on that one, but if 2/3 of the responders said "yes" then the new "science" would say it's a fact that they are.  I don't have time or inclination to provide examples of all the assumptions that have been called "science"--but you know know deep down it's true.  Science is not science without hypothesis or theory, a methodology and data supporting or disproving the H/T.  These days the hypothesis or theory is declared "science" long before there's enough data to support or disprove it--not always the case but when journalists get hold of something it becomes "science"--just look around at how the pandemic unfolded and all the fake science declared around masks, hand washing, surface cleaning and how a drug that reduced symptoms was declared a vaccine--which it ain't.  But enough of this--we don't need to debate--nothing can really help the OP here--there are no facts to support or disprove whether B&W speakers are worth the price because that is purely a value judgement...