Speaker upgrade

Good morning all, hope everyone is well.

My planned HIFI change for 2023 is a change in loudspeakers. My top contenders are JBL L100, Klipsch Forte IV or Corwall IV’s, another couple I am very interested in are the Volit Razz, and possibly the Paradigm F80.

System consists of Rogue RP-1, Rogue Atlas Mag III, Line Magnetic CD-24, MOFI Master deck and Master tracker.

Room is an untreated living room 15x15, hardwood with thick throw rug and lightly furnished.

I have listened to the Klipsch and the Paradigm, enjoyed them both. They are different animals as one would imagine.

I listen to mostly Jazz, Rock and "American Roots" (not modern country).

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433


At the end of OPs opening comments was a request inviting comments and suggestions.  I was responding to that request.

My "comment" was that IF the OP was leaning towards the Klipsch but wanted a little different sonic character, then there is a pathway to get there.  For starters, $10 worth of Dynamat on horn bodies goes a long way to improve the warmth, focus, and detail of the speakers.  Sonic gains can be made while keeping all major factory installed components intact with other simple "mods."  Selectively replacing factory crossover components is actually #4 on our list of recommended upgrades.  Custom, hand-built crossovers is pretty far down our list, but highly recommended if there's enough headroom in the budget for them.


I know little about the engineering part but why wouldn't Klipsch implement your $10 magic for such a huge gain?


Excellent question. I retired in 2016 as a Klipsch dealer. About a year before my retirement, Klipsch was attaching a rubberized material to the front of the horn bodies in their Reference Series speakers. So, it looks like someone there was paying attention to this. I haven’t kept up with Klipsch after 2016. Might be worth looking into in my spare time to see if horn body dampening made its way into the current Heritage lineup.

@waytoomuchstuff ok that make sense.

Klipsch seems like a big and competitive brand and they must know what they are doing