I put the first one on the amp. It replaced a similarly priced well regarded cable. No contest. More air, better separation, more dynamic.
Why is it that all these tweaks always add "air?" I mean if this were a tire, by now it would be blowing up with all that air pumped into it!!! 😁
And why did they build an air-less system to start before this tweak? Did the designers of his system really forgot to put air in them? It needed a new AC cable to put the air back in?
I mean the guy builds a half a million dollar system and then makes another tweak. Bam! The system now has more air. Really? Half a million dollar didn't get all the air you ever needed or wanted?
And what if the original music didn't have air in it to begin with? Isn't it now full of air that doesn't belong there?
Or maybe, and I am just spit balling here, that the way audiophiles do listening tests with their eyes is wrong. Just do the darn test blind. Test a dozen times and see if you can tell the tweak has done anything. Don't confuse people with these false conclusions.