I purchased a bunch of Townshend pods and bars for under my gear and former speakers. I liked how they made my system sound and found their service to be top notch. In the end I sold them because I found them hard to place and work with.
If your gear is much heavier on one side, then these can be cumbersome to work with and dial in. I had one heck of a time getting the proper combination under my Circle Labs integrated amp and Mojo Audio dac. Ended up with five pods of various ratings to finally “work” under my amp. It was still not quite perfect and one spring was not ideally loaded.
I ended up replacing these Townshend products with Live Vibe Audio Points under my electronics. They were far easier to work with, under electronics, and actually improved the sound in some ways. Articulation from top to bottom was improved and well as overall resolution, speed and imaging.
I am now looking for some footers for under my Fyne F704 speakers. They are much heavier in the front and am considering both Audio Points and Townshend.
Not excited about 150 pound speakers on the sharped tipped Audio Points resting on the matched coupling discs on my hardwood floors. However, based on my past experience with the Townshend Pods and bars, these speakers are sure to be a frustrating set-up experience. I don’t think the Townshend platforms will fit/work under my speaker.
Both Audio Points and Townshend offer great sounding products. Townshend Sounds a tad more warm and full while the Live Vibe products sound more articulate and resolved. At least this has been my experience. The set up frustrations and challenges were real for me and another factor to consider with these types of products.
Audio Points couple while Townshend decouples as I understand the products. Both products have sonic advantages.