Which preamp to go with pass labs x150.8

Hi all, 

I am getting Pass Labs X150.8. I am considering following preamps: 

Simaudio Moon P740 

Ayre KX-5 Twenty 

Audio Research LS28SE

Pass Labs X12

Which preamp would sound the best with the amp? 

Thanks for your input. 


no doubt pairing tube pre with ss power amp has been a well known much practiced recipe for audio happiness for ages

c-j and arc are tubed pre stalwarts, impeccable sound and quality, forever units from forever companies standing behind them

once again, it depends on what one is desiring the linestage to do sonically... even if one wants tubey goodness in the chain, is the linestage where it is introduced? there are wonderful tubed phono stages and dacs... you get the drift...

Some of us have tube DAC, pre and a hybrid tube / SS power amp….. and are saving $ or is it € for that tube power supply for the turntable…..

and are saving $ or is it € for that tube power supply for the turntable…..

i think maybe rubles are what may be needed Jim!! 🤣

Aric Audio! His preamps are a sublime pairing with SS gear. I have the original Motherlode first paired with Pass monos and now with a Coda Model 16 and I cannot speak enough about his tube knowledge, craftsmanship and customer service. 

+1 for Aric Audio. I'm using his Super 6SN7 (with upgraded PS and volume control) with my Pass X30.8. A great combo and big step up from my previous preamp, CJ CT-5. Aric has great customer service and can taylor his preamp to your needs.


Good luck