Field coil dava cartridge

I have been hearing great things about the dava field coil cartridge with the tube power supply. I am only able to read a few reviews on them. The reviews seem all positive and the designer Darius seems to be a very approachable person . I would like to hear opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the cartridge. Especially comparison with the Lyra atlas sl which is my current cartridge.

thanks in advance.


Dear @jeff1225  : " It was the least expensive 12" tonearm when I wanted a 12" 15 years ago. "

Things are that I owned several vintage 12" tonearms, it looks really good. I learned several things why not use 12" ( even that today there are audiophiles enjoying 14" tonearm. ).

I owned both SAEC top of its line: the 506-30 ( that was designed not for home system but for radio stations.) and the WE-8000 the build quality level on both tonearms was and is second to none but unfortunatelly not only are 12" but with a double-knife bearing ( 3012: knife-ball. ). I owned too the FR-66 and the little shorter MAX-282 that is one of the best tonearms even today, Audiocraft AC-4400, etc.


Could be that you already read this SAT explanation about ( Dava goes against my syatem MUSic/audio targets and not curious to listen it. IF at random I will have the ocasion to listen it then I will do it. ):







Post removed 

Darius just posted this on Facebook

“ATTENTION!!! All the orders for DAVA cartridges will be taken again after 1 May 2023.”

not sure if this is because he is choc a block filled with orders or because he thinks debating Raul and milo will take another 8 months * 24 hours.