Digital Playback Comparison

Which sounds better: Original CD, CD burned from harddrive, playback from computer HD through USB, or optic cable, or Airport Express? I cleaned my contacts, installed NOS Amperex tubes in my preamp, had new tubes installed in my Trivista SACD/CD player, and had a go at a comparison test for these playback methods. The HD used was from my MacBook Pro. The piece of music used for a comparison was the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah, Solti and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (Decca 1985). See my system for equipment used. The USB playback was via a HagUSB via S/PDIF into the Trivista coax input. Here are the conclusions, going from best to least good sound quality:

1. (Tie): HagUSB and Burned CD (CD was burned from HD at 4x, from Apple Lossless file). I couldn't tell a difference between these two after extended listening including other music besides the test music. Great dynamic range, wide and deep soundstage, a "rightness" to the sound (at least within the limitations of digital) that made you want to quit analyzing and just listen.
2. Original CD. I read somewhere recently (some of you might know the source) that there is an explaination for why burned CD's sound better than original, but until I made the comparison, I was skeptical. The original had a slight loss of "presence", and seemed slightly compressed compared to the #1 playback methods.
3. HD through toslink. 1 & 2 are closer in sound than 2 & 3. There is a noticable shrinking of the soundstage and air with the optic cable. The cable is a good one--Van den Hull glass cable with mini-plug out from Mac. I was disappointed in the sound from this method.
4. Airport Express and optic. A significant drop in sound quality here. If you have been using this method I suggest doing what I will now do which is run USB out of computer to HagUSB ($119) via long run of coax (Canare for me) to your DAC. The Airport Express is OK for "working around the house on the weekend" listening, but is a serious compromise from what you can get with only a minimal incremental investment.

Notably absent from this comparison are music servers, or a good quality USB DAC, or good reclocker/converters that could be used with a computer HD and conventional DAC. Hopefully someone else can do comparisons of the burned CD with some of these methods to see what is the best sound for, let's say, a $2000 or less investment (obviously not including the cost of a computer). That is a level that many of us might be willing to make if there is a significant improvement over the #1 methods above.
I have been listening to the following digital playback chain for a while now and can report on the quality compared to the other playback methods described in my original post: iMac-->USB cable-->Hagman USB-->9m of Canare coaxial cable-->Trivista as DAC. Cost: $119 for Hagman, $102 for cable. So, for a little over $200 I can use my computer in another room as the digital source for playing iTunes playlists. The sound quality? Excellent, the equivalent of a CD-R burned from the hard disk, and therefore tied for the best digital sound of all the options described in the original post. This is better in every way than using the Airport Express and Toslink output, and it isn't a subtle difference, either. You can obviously do much better with a high end transport and DAC, or one of the high end servers tested by TAS, but you'll spend a lot more than $200!! I guess the point here is that it wouldn't cost you much to try something like this setup, if you already have a good DAC, before you drop five figures on a transport/DAC or music server. You might end up putting that money somewhere else in the system where you can't get such good results from a $200 expenditure. YMMV.
here is an obvious question that nobody answers:

what does better and best mean ?

it seems that these are subjective terms, such that one man's trash is another man's treasure.

if one is trying to make a point that "good" sound can be achieved without spending $10,000, i suppose that one can agree with such a statement.

what is the point ? component comparisons have an uncertain outcome. opinions abound and this thread confirms that fact.
Vcoheda - simple, the difference in the burned CD is that the pits are more accurately place, which results in more accurate timing, which reduces jitter over the orginal CD. Digital playback comprises the data, which is generally error-free and the timing.

This is really old news. Read the forums over the past 3-4 years. There are products such as Reality Check that rewrite CD just for this reason.

Jitter is what has always been wrong with digital playback.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Johnnyb53 - your understanding of USB is wrong. Except for asynchronous interfaces, most USB intefaces are synchronous, and depend on the rate of the datastream in real-time. The thing that makes some USB converters better than others is the chip that is used for the conversion, which can lower jitter significantly, the clock in the converter, and the implementation, or design.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

admittedly, i haven't read much on the topic, and i generally only listen to original CDs, so the issue has not really come up for me. however, as mentioned in my own experience, the few times i have compared a wav copy with the original, i did not detect any differences and i was looking for them, as that was the purpose of the comparison. so i would say thatg if there is reduced jitter on a CDR version, it appears that the improvement may not be audible (at least some of the time).
