RCA is loose

Hi I have a wonderful digital coax cable going from Lumin streamer into my Reimyo dac.  The Reimyo RCA connector is well fixed to the chasis but doesn't hold the RCA connector very well.  The other end fits into the Lumin perfectly.  I saw someone used aluminum tape to thicken the diameter of the connector.  

Any other thoughts?  I do have BNC connectors at both ends so I am thinking get an adaptor. If that is a good idea recomendations appreciated. 

Best JH

Love this stuff!


Curiousjims' suggest is the safe route, unless you've a soft touch with the pliers.  Fastest cure(s) I can agree with. 

I've XLR mixed w/RCA with no noises, so no comprendo....*shrug*  Maybe a ground gremlin in dere, somewhere...

Hey, 2 faves in the same state, love it....*G*


Dust off those subs.....;)

@johnah5 what RCA cable is it? Sure it’s not a locking typically and you just need to tighten it? 

Also, if Reymio has AES/EBU input, I’d just switch to using that instead, with something like DH Labs AES cable…will be hard to beat.