Turntable isolation

I am about to receive my new turntable. The turntable itself is going to weigh about 155 pounds. The turntable footers are Alto-Extremo LSP-2. I will place it on an 20" x 26" x 3" hardwood platform. This will all sit on a Timbernation rack. I have confirmed with Timbernation the rack will easily hold the weight. 

I am looking for suggestions to go between my hardwood platform and the rack. Currently looking at Herbie's Tenderfoot Extra Firm and Herbie's Big Fat Dot. Any thoughts on these or other products.



I have carried out quite a few configurations for methods to mount a TT, for both an Idler Drive and Direct Drive. When mass weight has been a concern, for me, the only option worthwhile considering has been to use a Floor Mounted Rack as a Support Structure (peace of mind and using common sense prevailed).

In the past and returned to as the Support Method at present, I have produced Racks from the Ground Up (Concrete Floor), using tiers of a variety of materials to mount a Rack on, and in conjunction with the Sub Rack Support, the task of producing different structures on the Top Shelf to support the Source, has been a shared importance.

This has been a progressive experience where there have been materials added to create the Overall Support Structure and materials removed as a result of the evaluation of the materials impression being made when used in a particular assembly of a Structure.

When a TT's weight has not been a concern, I have also run parallel with using a Rack as Support, the alternative Support where a Wall Mounted Support Structure has been used and also used the Wall Mounted Shelf, as a method to Anchor a Suspended Platform to. 

For me, in my environment, the Rack is the method I have been able to produce the most satisfying results with for the supporting of a TT.


@mikelavigne has made his thought known,

"with turntables, proper choice of shelf interfaces and footers are not predictable. turntables are mechanical, and there are too many variables. you simply must try things and listen. it’s all about the whole ’life’ and ’tonal balance’ thing. a 'dead sounding' or 'overly warm sounding' or 'clinical sounding' turntable is the last thing we want."

I agree with this and as a result of making proportions of my support structure available to others to loan, I can safely say there is not a ubiquitous solution, as the Environment the equipment is used in will be quite a contributing factor in how the TT is being impacted on.

My experiences are also showing to me that there a variety of elements to be considered when carrying out an investigation. The Rack or Wall Shelf will assist with producing a Support Structure that is perceived as being correct for the Turntable and Tonearm and potentially extends towards the Cartridge having an improved environment.

When carrying out investigations into under TT support, I have also learned the importance of carrying out under Source Material Support investigations as well.

In a nutshell, the LP when supported on a Material of a certain type in a certain environment and included as an element of the overall Support Structure, is able to be a notable inclusion for the improvements that can be perceived. As a certain material as a Platter Mat can be perceived undoubtedly for the better when in use in conjunction with other methods and allow the merits of other methods selected to produce a support that is 'standout', for the impact on the improvement that is perceived as being made.

My Preferences for a particular presentation, are not that of another's, which will mean that I have potentially carried out more trials that another might require, as their preferences might be discovered with lesser work put in.

There is also the other end of the Spectrum where a Purpose Produced device is the Support Method required that satisfies another's unique preference for a presentation and SQ. For me these are expenses I do not aspire to inherit.

As Panzerholz has been mentioned, I have evolved in my using Materials for a Structure toward Densified Wood and as a rsult of the impression made, have acquired a selection of Densified Wood Brands of which P'holz is one, and is also in use.

 For me, today, Densified Woods are offering a very positive impression, this impression made has been noticed for it being able to be transferred to other environments, when used as a basic material.

I can make these claims, as I have had my P'holz demonstrated in use on other systems as TT's Sub Plinth with Footer, and the positive impression made has been made known as evaluation form a Group attended Demonstration. As a result of this, I also have P'holz out on long-term loan to others and the reports returned are very good.

One individual has been quite taken, they now have a TT Plinth Produced from the material, which is mounted on a P'holz Sub Plinth assembly. There evaluation of the before methods used and the newly adopted methods are full of high-quality appraisal, to the point that the system sounds new and substantially jumped up in its perceived value, as a result of the performance on offer.

That is the result of one's initial investigation to adopting an unusual 'to them' material, as a method for improving a Mechanical Interface.


If the use of Modern Technology and Engineering used for Isolation, is a route that is wished to be better understood, the Brand in the Link will be worthwhile learning about, in comparison to other Brands that have adopted Technology and Engineering to control vibration being transferred from the ambient surroundings of the listening environment.