Recommendations for Earplugs That Work – Protect But Allow Music In

Anyone have experience with ear plugs they can recommend that protects hearing, but lets the music in?

Went to a concert last night. Band was too loud for anyone who values their hearing. I immediately put in my ear plugs. Unfortunately, these cushy type do not do a good job of attenuating low frequency, so you are mainly hearing kick drum and low bass (boom, boom, boom). I recorded some of it and it sounded good when played back. So choice was lose your hearing or horrible sound, I chose hearing. Using Decibel X app glanced down and saw and SPL readding of 117dB reading, ouch. So not great even with earplugs.

Today, I cranked the stereo and tried cushy earplugs along with the type that cover your ears and same effect. I understand the solution is for bands to play at reasonable sound pressure levels, but good to be ready for anything. Any recommendations, I have a number of shows scheduled to go to this summer.




@georgeab did you have a chance to try out more than one brand since May?  What were your impressions?

I purchased a pair of Loop Experience Pro earplugs ($40) and have been to a half a dozen shows since. One of my challenges is fitment, and these came with four sizes of tips so I was able to get the right fit. Real happy with the performance. Look forward to the Flaming Lips next week.