I have added my main listening room components and front and back walls of that room. I have a small amount of reverb, corner echo which the center cloth absorber eliminated. My room isn’t as near perfect like the two @Kota 1 examples show but it’s pretty close. I feel sorry for Mike for letting Amir in. In all of the systems I've heard, no one wanted to give me measurements of their room/system/performance and I didn't ask them either. No one cares, only Amir/ASR members. Mike is too nice.
Amir is so full of it... I tried six digital cables and they all sounded very different. Not just to me, but to five other listeners, two golden ear friends. My wife who is not an audiophile but has a very keen sense of sound gave me her comments. The SR Atmosphere X Euphoria was the obviously best cable with no apparent colorations/neutral sounding, bested or equaled all other cables in every sonic aspect. Well worth the money/$1500. However, Grover Huffman’s very inexpensive digital cables $200? are quite good and came in second, mostly lacking in depth, it’s forward sounding. For $10, Monster Cable’s digital cable was rather bland but neutral, lacking dynamics mostly, okay resolution and okay, not great ambiance/depth/width perseption.