and I said 0° because near and in between both null points the difference is so negligible that is useless to take it in count.
Field coil dava cartridge
I have been hearing great things about the dava field coil cartridge with the tube power supply. I am only able to read a few reviews on them. The reviews seem all positive and the designer Darius seems to be a very approachable person . I would like to hear opinions on the strengths and weaknesses of the cartridge. Especially comparison with the Lyra atlas sl which is my current cartridge.
thanks in advance.
Thats what my chooks use to say when we had the chook house in the back garden. Cluck, cluck, cluck cluck... They were good layers though. |
@mijostyn : Maximum distortion difference between null points is only 0.1% if alignment accuracy is 100%: zero tolerance.
for someone who insists on 0.1dB riaa accuracy for hi-fi, you sure seem to have a very loose definition of the word "significant"
I believe you have gotten that backwards. The shorter the arm, the quicker things get ugly with any misalignment. This is assuming an advanced profile that has a very small window of "acceptable" angular error to begin with. I guess this thread is about a cartridge with a conical profile but that doesn't change the general pattern of behavior. and finally.....
I do not believe the "weighted" distortion measurements derived from the formulas is actually representative of the sonic penalty angular mistracking error can cause. It may serve as a great technical cudjoe to beat people with but I generally trust arguments formulated from the listening chair rather than from behind a computer screen. dave