I keep being reminded of how much power cords mater

I went through a major upgrade a couple years ago. I quickly upgraded my speaker cables and interconnects. But just listened for about a year. Then one by one, in absolutely no hurry adjusted my venue, and USB, power cords… etc. it seems every month I consider and optimize one thing. I know what my system sounds like.

I noticed a couple weeks ago that I still had a Cardas Clear Beyond power cord on my preamp… but that I still had the Transparent Ultra power cord I had purchased for it in my storage room. Hey, I’m 70… my memory was never good… not getting better. Cardas Clear Beyond are good… when you need a little warmth… I do not. I put the Transparent back in… A great shift in the balance, adding detail without loosing the warmth and midrange balance. A very happy and perfect adjustment. (A friend is a real Cardas fan… I had bought as an experiment, and never swithed back).

That got me thinking, what was on my Audio Research Phonostage? I looked. Turns out it was the original Audio Research cord… they are now very heavy copper with 20 amp connectors. So, I took the Cardas Clear Beyond power cord and put it on the phono stage. Wow, what an improvement. Just in case I had not recently tried a stock power cord, this reminded me why one uses high quality cords.

The power cord for my phonostage is definitely not done. I am pretty sure that a Transparent would be better on my system… but I’ll have to try it… or maybe an AudioQuest. So, my odyssey is not over. But each small change ultimately nets a better sounding system.

Looking back at all the increment changes that have mattered in the last few years… the improvements between direct lines, cables, interconnects, power cords, positioning seem to add up to as much improvement as the upgrades to all my components. But the cost of these probably only 15% of the components.


I upgraded my speaker wires, digital cables and power cords to my amplifier and BlueSound Node 2i.  I heard a huge difference in speaker wires but not on the power cords.  Still wonder if using a digital cable was a good idea because by doing so I lost MQA streaming Tidal.

@ghdprentice nice!!!

@millercarbon and all…I haven’t tried swapping power cords on a turntable but please help me understand how a power delivery to the turntable motor alone can make a positive change on the sound. I know everything matters and I’m willing to try this but a power cord for a turntable motor just powers the motor…it shouldn’t have any impact on sound quality unless…there’s electrical noise from the motor that travels back into your outlet or power conditioner via that cord that contaminates power for other components negatively impacting their performance(phono stage, pre, amp)…did I just answer my own question here?

@larry5729 you lost MQA by adding digital cable? Unless it’s the cable between your BS Node and your DAC…BS Node won’t output MQA and your DAC might not support MQA regardless

The turntable motor is a key component. Actually every bit of a turntable is critically important. It’s just hardly anyone ever changes just one component part to realize it. My second turntable mod was to replace the Basis motor with a Teres. Not only the motor but the motor controller. Even the pod the motor is mounted in affects the sound. Even the bolts fastening the motor to the pod. Are washers used? What material? What torque? You think I am kidding? I have experience with each and every one of these, done one at a time so as to know what does what.
Look around, vast majority replaces the whole turntable with a (hopefully) better one. I’ve done that too. But that teaches you next to nothing compared to experience gained one incremental mod at a time. 

The motor doesn’t just turn at a constant rate. That’s the ideal and the way everyone thinks, but the truth is every squiggle of the groove is a drag slowing it down. The result is a pattern of acceleration and deceleration every bit as complex as the music itself. Improve the motor, the power supply to the motor, the housing and the way it is fastened, all of that and it brings greater drive and life and vibrancy to the music. You have to hear it to get it, and I have, many times.

One of the biggest things I’ve done is go to battery power. This eliminates a huge amount of noise riding on the AC.
So there’s your answer. The motor is incredibly sensitive to power supply quality. Anything improves that improves the sound of the whole turntable.  

Use Clear Beyond on both my int. amp and phono preamp.  For that matter use Cardas of one grade or another for speaker and interconnects, digital spdif, etc.so you might say I'm a Cardas guy.  But no question each time I go to the next level with a Cardas cable I hear improvements.  Greatest improvements have been stepping up the power cords.