Which power cords have high resolutions and separation??

Price to spend around $500-800 used.

Tonality? I don’t mind that as much but around neutral would be preferable.

Thank you all.


I’m shocked no one talks about what brand wire to use between the outlet and the breaker box. Why no discussion about audiophile breakers? There is discussion about fuses within the components, why not on the breaker box? 

Why no discussion about the material in the main breaker box supplying the whole rail? 

Point is that 10, 20, 30 maybe 100 feet of common garbage wire is between your outlet and the breaker. For many those wires may even travel along other wires for appliances and other devices making tons of electric noise. 

And you think 3 feet of $$$$ wire from wall to components will make a difference?

You would have to try hard to find a power cord worse than the junk in your walls going to the mains. 

Just food for thought. 

And that’s how they troll….lately almost every good cable discussion is just sitting on a time 💣 waiting for the ASR minions to wander in. 

Debating power cables is like debating religion, you can’t win against a “belief” no matter how much logic you present the “believer”.



6 posts


And the moderator that is removing my post you might as well block me. Because you are nothing more than an uneducated DOUCHEBAG

What's the matter? You seem to be in distress.