As a further clarification to my earlier post, the Device that made myself give the use of CD a permanent role as a Source in my system is a use of a Bespoke Built Valve DAC, that as part of the design had swap out custom built decoders supplied to offer additional options on tuning the sound to a preference.
The Valves used for a CD circuit idea become attractive after being loaned for extended periods, for use in my system, a few versions of modified CDP's, which were with a design to utilise Valves in various places in the circuit.
From my recollections of all encounters with CD in use, the most attractive to myself and indelible as an experience are those demonstrated with Valves in use.
My Valve DAC has been Tube Rolled and has a Vintage early 60's Valve as the final selection, having the flexibility to fine tune the sound with easy to exchange components, such as the Valves and Decoders has really made the interaction with the Source a Joy and one that is not such a common option if other circuitry was in use.
Interestingly the EAR Acute is a Valve Circuit CDP, it was very impressive with stock tubes and has found a place of betterment using the same valves I selected as a result of Tube Rolling.
The supplied info' on the positive impression Valve Circuit CD replay is able to make, is worthwhile noting and if possible, attempting to experience a demonstration, even better if able to be arranged in the home system.