
I recently purchased pc for cd player with rhodium ends on both...I wasnt feeling the mojo from it and was not content with lowend resolution/grunt.I switched ac/male end with nice furutech copper and it has made the difference...Im surprised at the difference that it has made.Bass has more info/definition/warmth and high end still has sparkle with the neutral transparency that rhodium (iec) seems to offer.I know this has been talked about alot and probably deserves a duh!.. Rhodium indeed has its place in my system after all this time.Like it.



i have a few of the gold plated here and can live with those.  I never understood what Cardas or Furutech liked about rhodium.  I would rather have old-fashioned tin.

You guys are tough audience...im surprised im liking it as much.Yeah i kind of thought the same to mitch2/erik/carls.Gold/copper has always been go too for my tastes, as for Furutechs highend...28 might be last stop.

Ok. I’ll expand a bit so hopefully you think I’m factual rather than tough. Copper conductivity is 256% of rhodium conductivity. It obviously isn’t an insulator and it obviously works. But why would you wrap your precious highly conductive copper conductors in a metal that is that much less conductive?

Because it has a cool sounding name, it is in the platinum group which sounds exotic and expensive, and it responds well to marketying hype.


PS for comparison, silver is 7% better conductor than copper.