Accuphase DP-700?

I would like to know if someone listened the new accuphase SACD DP-700?
I did not but I talked to one of the European dealers of Accuphase (a friend of mine) and he said that it is just phenomenal, he listened and compared it to DP-800/DC-801 and he said it is so close that he wonders how anybody will buy 800/801 combo at 40% or so extra cost?! ... unless money no object for these couple of % of extra performance, and it would need top notch Accuphase (or equivalent) gear down the line to really appreciate that diference (his particular set-up was Accuphase C-2410 + P-7100, a couple of PS-510/1210) with the newest Von Schweikert VR-5A (BTW, even better in its mid-range than older VR-5SE model) at the end, played in acoustically nearly-perfect room. DP-700 beats clearly everything (CD/SACD-wise) Accuphase produced to date with the exception of recent DP-800/801, and no blind test necessary - it is so obvious from the first notes. A German Audio Magazine is ranking DP-700 on the third spot after DP-800/DC-801 (top position among all CD/SACD players they ever reviewed) and Esoteric P-03/D-03 but before DP-78.

You bet, I am switching from my DP-85 to DP-700 soon, as well.