Zavfino Majestic USB Cable

I am planning on upgrading my $50 straightwire usb cable to something under $300 and came across the Zavfino Majestic USB. The specs look great but I can’t find any semi-detailed reviews online besides on their website. 

Has anyone tried this cable? What are your impressions? Thanks! 


Again, working for ATT makes you no expert in digital audio transmission.

Do you stream music? If you do, how? Can you please explain your music streaming setup, from source to DAC? Thank you. Maybe I can learn a thing or two about digital communications 🙄

@panzrwagn If you can’t hear differences between digital cables I truly feel sorry for you because it’s really not hard.  As you’re obviously in the “I hear what I believe” camp you sadly probably never will.  It, however, is much easier to just bury your head in the sand and close your mind/ears, so I’ll give you that.  But only that. 

don’t think there is a need to continue arguing with naysayers, irrespective of what they claim as their credentials or qualifications, hardly constructive at this point, unless we want to continue to joust here just for the 'enjoyment' of it

any sensible interested reader sees what has been posted by various folks, the to and fro, can amply draw their conclusions at this point

best we just chill, enjoy the music!

@soix +100 Guess the poor lads DAC and digital front end are not that revealing? 

He has no ide all that he is missing when it comes to soundstage, depth, separation, and detail. 

Need to go to the bowl and find more adjectives.  But you get it and as well as @thyname 


... it does qualify me as an expert,, seeing as how AT&T invented the opamp, the venerated 300B tube, the transistor, and yes, digital audio: Digital Pulse-Code Modulation was invented at Bell Labs in the 1930s ...

Let me get this straight: You're claiming expert status based on the achievements made by your employer?

So it might do you both well to get your facts straight, avoid the ad hominem attacks and actually learn a thing or two about digital communications.

So the ad hominem attacks are only to be used by "experts" who once worked for AT&T?