As I had to resort to using a Powerline extender for the purpose of having a network connection direct to my server I did ran a Speedtest just after reading your last post. Please bear in mind that I don’t have the best service in the area I live in- I believe it’s advertised at 250 Mbps.
When sitting 25 feet from the router- no walls to go through the test rang out at 92 Mbps up and 25 down.
Sitting in the same place but changing to the Powerline extenders Wi-Fi (1 floor down- 6 walls to go through) reads 30 Mbps up and 5 down.
If I go to the room where the extender is installed I get 30 Mbps up and 9 down.
That’s more than enough to stream music/video with and gives me a direct connection between extender/server. I’m sure almost anyone has better internet service than I do! Up until 2 years ago our service was advertised at 7Mbps!