Looking for "realistic" speakers

I just had my pair of Cary Audio Silver Oak speakers get fried along with the rest of my Cary gear in some kind of power surge (sniff sniff). And absolutely loved the Silver Oaks because they just made everything sound authentic.

The instruments had the right timbre, scale, the balance was just right, and aside for perhaps a touch of richness had no character of their own. This made them sound great for any type of music.

I can't afford the $8K I spent in the day to replace so am looking for something closer to $2K-$3K max (used Ok). I'm looking less for something with super trick staging, imaging and some of the other high end niceties (though I wouldn't kick them out of bed).

More for a musical speaker that just makes the music musical and the presentation realistic sounding. That makes you forget you're listening to speakers/electronics and hearing the music the way it should sound.

Easy to say, I know.

My preamps and amps are solid state Cary stuff that will be replaced by insurance though sadly the Silver Oaks are no longer made.

Any ideas?

hope you get your claim check quickly, my condolences.
This gives you a great 2nd start of sorts. I would be remiss if I did not suggest the Thiel CS 2.4 -check it out and keep us posted.
Good news! Just heard from Allstate and they're paying for the whole system. Max $15K but I can live with it (especially since the equipment was 12 years old). Good hands people indeed!

Surprisingly they only gave about $5K for the Silver Oak speakers - so that looks like my speaker budget.

Best realistic speakers under $5K anyone? I currently have everything in a fairly small room, that may or may not change in the near future. I want something that can scale - but giant Maggies (or anything else giant) won't work.
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NO, No, NO! "They only gave about $5K for speakers, so that looks like my speaker budget."

NO! Larrybou, don't get trapped in the compartmentalization of the previous allocation of funds for the system. If I understand correctly, you have new, free reign to reallocate the funds (I don't see how the insurance company could dictate how the system expenditure is allocated), and by doing so can end up with far better sound than if you stay with the valuation placed on the speakers by the insurance company.

I strongly suggest you look into one of these options; integrated amp, integrated DAC/preamp ( I currently have an integrated amp, as well as an integrated DAC/Pre under review). Either of these should allow you to allocate more than $5K to speakers, which imo will enable you to set up a superior system overall.

This may be a perfect opportunity to move to file playback if you have not already. You should be able to get far superior sound quality with a PC or Mac and file playback to a more recent DAC. The switch to file playback may seem daunting initially but the outcome is well worth the effort.

I strongly suggest you consider reworking the entire system, not simply replacing the components with same and limiting the speaker budget. You have the potential, rare as it is, to upscale the entire system by several steps. :)

I suggest you invest the time/dollars to attend a show or two and come away with a stunning rig, not just a redo.