They (and other cables) make a huge difference. Forget the "science"; what matters is, can you hear it or not. If you can, it's important. If you can't, it's not important.
It's been my experience in some 15+ years of hardcore effort electronics development that I can in fact hear nearly everything. Could probably count on 1 hand the areas where could not.
That said, I can heartily recommend Audience. Their Morre treatment really does change the conduction (can hear it) and simply put, nothing else gets out of the way of the music like Audience. Certainly not at the price point at least, likely safe to say. Audience have been kind enough to Morre treat several parts for me (inductors, caps) and lots of excellent chassis wire, which I use exclusively lately to outstanding effect.
My pals and I had been using AU24sx generally already. Hard to beat that for bang for the buck IMO. Then I was impressed enough with Audience Front Row (and Morre treated XO-M caps) that I asked for dealership status and was kindly granted.
I completely concur and agree 100% with this review:
If it interests you, feel free to reach out. TK