Just received my new Dynaudio Contour 60i in walnut

Folks, just reporting in that out of the box these are just stellar, and I imagine they will only get better. Wonderful mids, smooth tweeters and gripping bass. Clarity is amazing. As an aside, I had doubts whether my little Naim SN3 could adequately drives these beasts, but I am very pleasantly surprised; the SN3 is punching well above its fighting weight! I am happy to field questions as I know several members have the big new Dyns on order or are considering them. Happy listening amigos.

I had the C60s for 2 years and went through absolute hell.
First it was the 400 hours of break in needed to make them sound bearable and then the disappointment of a cold, compressed sound, totally stoned timbre, and confused, out of focus soundstage. I paid half the list price for them and went to an immense effort to get rid of them at 3000 euros. I had them on sale for a whole year at 3000 euros, people came, listened, and left. Good luck. 



BUMP, at the list price the c60 or c60i are a lot of speaker for the asking, value per dollar is something we're not used to putting alongside dynaudio, but compared to what most other companies are offering at the same price these seem like a no brainer.


I have a question. My only dynaudio long time experience was the audience 80's around 25-30 years ago and those speakers were comparable to the VA Strauss with a strong tuneful bass with a midrange tuned towards neutral but more on the forgiving side than resolving side. toe tapping get up and dance speakers that didn't give us everything on the recording. Are C60 owners satisfied with the resolution and what can you compare them to in that department? thank you

I ha a set of Contour 20i speakers, i loved them and felt they were going to be my end game speaker. Then my dealer made me a trade deal on his Demo Confidence 20's. These will be my end game speaker now. The confidence series is a next level speaker to say the least. They certainly love Class A amps.