Which power cords have high resolutions and separation??

Price to spend around $500-800 used.

Tonality? I don’t mind that as much but around neutral would be preferable.

Thank you all.


@clearthinker We are eagerly waiting for the list of "fancy" power cords you ACTUALLY TRIED. It would help tremendously to give credit to your affirmations.

@cleeds   Perhaps I was forgetting the US only has 120V which means double the amps.  Here in UK we don't have much but we do have 230V.

Tell me, which amp manufacturers supply larger than 20SWG for delivery in the US?

@rolox   and what were the results of the blind tests you carried out?

Welcome @timetraveler66  and well said.  I guess you were born in 1966 so got a decent education, as I did.

Tell me, which amp manufacturers supply larger than 20SWG for delivery in the US?

You're the one making silly cable claims, so I'd have thought you already knew the answer to this.

... what were the results of the blind tests you carried out?

Why don't you tell us about your blind testing? What was tested? How many trials? How many subjects?

OP, I would build a power chain starting with dedicated line if you can, then a nice outlet (Pangea/synergistic research/etc), a power conditioner (I like Black Lion Audio which is available where they sell pro gear like sweetwater), and then a power cord. I don’t think you should get a power cord without auditioning at least 3 so you can appreciate what you like and don’t like.