Do Costly XLR Cables Make A Difference?

Serious question here. I currently own a rather good XLR cable that goes between the amp and DAC. I’m considering a better XLR cable to improve things, basically all the good aspects of sound reproduction such as deeper and more defined bass, better separation and detail across the frequency spectrum and an airier and more 3-dimensional sound in the midrange and treble. Will a different XLR cable supposedly one that’s costlier bring me to that direction?

My current XLR cable costs about $2k actual price paid.

I’m looking at an alternative pair up to about $2k perhaps $3k tops if it is proven that the cable is able to bring a noticeable or worthwhile if not significant difference. I am actually looking at the Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 and Gold Eclipse 8 XLR.

Any experience would be appreciated. 



@jerryg123 The XLR cables will be as good as RCA.  I think your point is that they won't be better.  

I use XLR on one amp because the way the XLR is implemented seems just a tad better to me.  but it is specific to that amp.  It has a jensen transformer in the circuit.

It depends how resolving your setup is and what you’re looking for in a new cables. 
I recently borrowed Kimber KS1136 and Audience AU24SX to compare with my Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper. Every set had a unique sound signature. I was pretty sure the AU24SX would be a better fit since I am using the AU24SX speaker cables but after days with each set, I ended up keeping my AZ Absolute Copper. 
I also ran Mogami Studio gold between pre and amp for about a month. While it worked well, in the end the Mogami weren’t on the same level. Back went the AZs. 
I’m not trying to tell you to get AZs. All I’m saying is you need to listen in your own system. Do what I did and borrow from the cable company. 

@carlsbad exactly !! 


The XLR cables will be as good as RCA.  I think your point is that they won't be better.  

my short answer to op’s question is

yes but it depends on how good the system is (as always) -- i also feel rca interconnect sonic differences are more easily heard than balanced... this probably due to the fact the proper balanced design is more self-isolating to the transmitted signal, allows less deleterious impact from external interference

but in either case, one need not spend megabucks to obtain top top notch sonics

Just spent a delightful week listening to 4 x cables from same manufacturer. 1m cable at the low end $2k at retail, top end eye watering…. Dealer who loaned them to me has a fantastic room and system. He came over a couple of evening to get a read on them in another system. He is an awesome guy.

Very easy to hear differences in my system. Some sonic attribute changes were significant, some very subtle or a slight negative most likely due synergy…

Against my old reference cable even the Copper acquitted itself very favorably and in a world of rising prices is a fantastic value. 

Bottom line, listen in your system if at all possible ! Enjoy the music and the journey
