Dear @lewm : " you would say ? " ( already those limits in dbs. )
Look, the main SUT limtation vs an active high gain SS alternative is its way limited frequency bandwidth and I don't really car to much of the other parameters but you talk with out own a SUT and it's your rigth to do it.
Silver wired SUT does not makes a huge difference in that main SUT characteristic and only could helps for a better quality sound level.
Now, after 41 years what is really NEW in today SUTs ( any ) vs the vintage ones?
I don't know you or other audiophiles and even manufacturers but for me NOTHING at all changed even no one today SUT and even with dedicated parameters for an specific cartridge can outperform the vintage bandwindth spec and not only at high frequency but more important at the other frequency extreme: in the low bass where in those vintage SUTs are not one but some that starts at 3hz-5hz.
Now, SUTs are for the huge mediocrity of phono stages designs and very especial with tube, not only in tubes because exist that mediocrity in some SS designs too.
The only SUT dedicated to an specific cartridge that I listened/owned for several years was the Audio Technica AT 1000T that came with not 2 but four transformers where two of them were dedicated exclusive to the great AT 1000 LOMC ( o.1mv. ), no it was not silver wired and no it was not hand wound wired because with transformers nothing can have the precision need it to the transformer wound wire as an specific tool/machine ( hand made on this device are for ignorant or stupid gentlemans. ). That AT SDUT really good and if I remember weigths around 10kg.
I think that the only silver wired SUT I experienced was the Kondo that can't ( for me ) justify its truly expensive price tag against ist quality level performance, my Denon is way superior and is not silver wired.
My modified Denon AU-1000 beats my active high gain stage? certainly not but is close to it due that my phonolinepreamp has a dedicated dual mono MM stage with no bipolars devices as the MC stage but what a MM needs and for several years is running the MM stage with 100khz instead 47k and with out input resistor.
Rigth now I'm using this MM stage along the Denon because I'm doing some modifications in the MC stage and at the same time I'm fine tunning the Denon SUT.