Balanced switch for preamp output

My Ayre KX-5 Twenty is connected to a VX-5 Twenty amp that drives a pair of KEF Reference 1s.  I'd like to alternate to a pair of Parasound JC 1 monoblocks driving Magnepan LRSs.  Can anyone recommend a passive balanced switch?

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Plenty of cheap switches out their that I’d avoid. Years ago Wireworld made a RCA switch called the Wireworld Comparator. Probably would not be hard to build one with quality parts or contact the big boys such as Kimber, Wireworld or even Chris at VH Audio who might be up for building you one that will not degrade anything. Others to reach out would be Michael Percy if he’s still in business or Parts Connexion.

Why do you need a switch? Your preamp has two pairs of balanced outputs. You can connect both amps to the preamp, and simply power off whatever amp you're not using.