Dear @intactaudio : I'm not saying that the SUT FR is the only parameter to buy a SUT but always can gives us an " idea " of its quality and yes there are other parameters.
Now, the Technics measure was: 3hz-300khz +,- 0.4db, the Supex 5hz-170khz -0.5db
Denon response as you stated with this parameters: primary impedance 30 ohms, secondary 4kohmz and load 50kohm. Mine is loaded at 100k and 200k but never measured with those load resistance ( 100k by default and can't remember capacitance. ). Who knows under your specific conditions or mated in specific to the electrical cartridge characteristics.
My take is that all those vintage SUTs even that does not been silver wired are all fenomenal to say the least and came between 1981 to 1984. I don't know you but my " hat off " about.
Your information appreciated.
Now, I know that you already read the thread where Mike Lavigne and me had a pretty hot dialogue in other thread where I was high " surprised " that instead to runs the LOMC cartridge directly in his Dartzeel he was/is really happy sending that signal to several additional steps before the Dartzeel line input and other than your SUT one of those steps is your " phono corrector " and I distubed him asking for the FR RIAA deviation of your unit because I just can't found out any where but now that we are talking of your SUT design and others SUTs I should be sure you have that RIAA deviation already measured and maybe you can share with us and your customers.
Thank's in advance,