External DAC for Sony SCD-777ES

My SCD-777ES has the Kern mods. Vishay resistors. Black gate capacitors.
Sounds good and easy to live with. Still far from the performance level of my turntable.
I would like to try an external DAC for red book.
There are many in the $ 500 to $ 1,500 used price range.
Please share with me your experiences.
Happy Holidays
I use a balanced theta Pro Gen V with Genesis Digital lens, Behringer DEQ 2496 for digital EQ and a Sonic Frontiers Ultrajitterbug. My SCD-777ES is stock. The difference in sound quality without the DEQ (i.e. no digital room correction) is vast and well worth the upgrade. I never heard a modified Sony so I can't comment on differences between it and stock, however, I suspect the fully balanced class A, discrete output stage, of the Theta would be hard to beat. With digital EQ providing room correction CDs are actually very enjoyable compared to vinyl. Vinyl though is still supreme.
Cut to a simpler approach. Go listen to a Cambridge 840 player. I think you will find its DAC well beyond any outboard. Get a dealer to loan you a unit, then you can compare to your current setup. The 840 squeezes out everything there is in red book cd's. I also have a 777es (no mods), together with Cal Labs Alpha and Sigma tube DAC's. The 840 took the red book's to a new, and better level of listening.
You have done all you can do IMO maybe some power supply mods. Vinyl is obviously your thing so I would put my money there.

I don't think you'll find a great dac in that price range or at least one that will overthrow your modded Sony. I used to have an Audio Note 2.1x balanced dac that was better than the redbook section of my xa9000es but that was more than your budget allows.

I agree with Chuck and think that vinyl where may be your best investment...

Happy holidays