Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?

I understand that wood is cheap and a box is easier to make than a sphere but when the speaker companies charge tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for their speakers, shouldnt consumers expect more than just a typical box? Are consumers being duped?

Back in the 70’s a speaker engineer found that a sphere was best for a speaker. A square box was the worst and a rectangular box was marginally better.

The speaker engineers have surely known about this research so why has it been ignored?

Cabasse is the only company doing spheres. Should wooden boxes be made illegal


Cost of machinery and material. WAF is probably another one as the market also dictates what will sell regardless of price or performance. Likely most people do not have a great room where the difference can be heard or know how to or can properly set a system up correctly again because of the WAF. Simple answer, speaker manufacturers know most people want a speaker that looks like a nice piece of furniture and not a sculpture.


You have, so far in this thread asked 28 questions. Now, you claim to be an expert on speakers right, if so, why so many questions and so few factual answers, just opinions? Where is the proof to your statements?

Why are guitars wood?   Why are pianos wood?  Why are drums wood?....

They're instruments. They're allowed to be wooden. They are required to resonate. 

LOL. We just had a rather long thread on this previously. No, spheres are not "perfect" and neither are boxes.  Open baffle speakers (no box at all) rule for audio quality other than perhaps needing a larger woofer and more power. See previous discussion...


Now, you claim to be an expert on speakers right, if so, why so many questions and so few factual answers, just opinions?

Answers about what exactly?