High Performance Low Mass Tone Arm Suggestions Needed

The turntable that is the repository for this arm is my SOTA Cosmos Eclipse, so that means we are talking 9 to 10.5 inch arms. The cartridge to be used is an Ortofon MC2000, it weighs 11 grams so a substantial counterweight is needed. 


Looking for my highest quality options to make this combo work. Absolutely love this cartridge, so it is to be my long term reference, which is why I am willing to invest the time and money to find the best pairing. 


Here one option:


Another one:



said " expired " but not sold, maybe you can be in touch with the seller.



Other tonearm that works very good with that cartridge is the Lustre GST-801 and I know because I mated with one of my 2000 samples.


Btw, the ebay one looks fine but needs a deep clean,.


You could look at Yahoo Japan.



“A substantial counterweight “ might wreck your chances for low effective mass unless you mount it close as possible to the pivot. I’ve had good luck with my Dynavector DV505 and my Triplanar and the MC2000. But if you’re religious about matching compliance to effective mass, J Gordon Holt once pointed out you’d need a 5g tonearm with the MC2000. In practice you’ll probably have no problem with any of the above.