Sooloos music server: Anyone hear, anyone a dealer

Seems like the unit got some rave reviews at CES this year. According to Stereophile, they changed their pricing strategy on the storage AND they release a few more products like a micro control and micro source unit.
Would love to hear what people think, if they heard it and also what the skinny is on the new hardware.


Chris Jones
Unless I'm missing something one of the funny things about this thread is theat Henryhk has one of the best DACs that exist at any price. EMM Labs DCC2 SE DA converter.

For Gods Sake Man - plug in the Sooloos into your DAC! :)

Okay - ignoring that aspect for now, my commentary on this is the following:

1) For people to whom 500 is a lot of money, i.e., they optimize their system not to spend 500 extra here or there, the Sooloos is a no-go on price - even if 10k on one component is okay, as you are paying for redundant and non-optimized capability. What it offers for price is not competitive with what you can build off the shelf.

2) It has an interface that can't be beat today, hands down.

3) For people with 20k+ DACs already :), and tons of CDs, and they want a turnkey solution, and perhaps don't have a lot of detailed computer experience, this is an extremely easy and efficient way to go. Probably the best one.

Now, for me, my recommendation is that they sell another product that is the same as what they have now except it has no DAC at all, and no storage. It should be 3k, maybe 4. You plug in your own DAC and your own storage, and now we have a system that is optimized price/performance at a much more constrained level.

On Jitter - if you have a DAC that re-clocks (Benchmark, Berkeley Alpha, the new Bryston, etc) then Jitter doesn't matter from your source as the signal will be re-built inside the DAC.
Lightminer...I do exactly that...that's my pt. But I also know its question of money so was trying to contribute the discussion in another manner.
Samsung has a touch screen that can be used with the Exemplar music server. I don't want my server's processor dealing with getting page art at the expense of dealing with sending the music to my dac, so I don't use this capability.