Isolation Devices for Digital

I have noticed what looks like superballs or handballs in cutout wooden blocks these isolation devices called Mini Clouds by Gingko Audio. Anyone use them or have any cheaper alternatives? Do they really help?

Another Audiogoner told me about 3/8" ball bearings placed on Sticky Tack at a total cost of $3. Have not tried this yet.
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The stand that stands out as far as bad vibrations are concerned are the Starsound 101 stands that do drain energy one way.These stands rendered a whole new level of sound that has set a benchmark for all of my friends systems as well as mine. Isolating vibes keeps the energy inside the equipmnet and distorts the audio signal vs the draining of energy from the equipment. One of the biggest changes we have heard is to a pair of ML stats after putting 101 underneath them !!Hope this helps Dennis
You asked about hand balls. After trying many different types of isolation and/or vibration damping devices, I have found that three handballs under my front end digital equipment with a bit of weight on top, to be the most effective approach in my system, by far. As is often said, "your mileage may vary" in your specific system. Good luck!!
Hi ... I used a set of Mini-Clouds, but I was much more impressed by a set of Yamamoto isolation bases (ebony, not the maples). An immediate improvement that couldn't be denied ... very high quality craftsmanship

If this is a duplicate, I apologize ... my server disappeared momentarily
I agree with Cenline. The science and technology behind Star Sound's products will be easier to understand if you read their white paper on Coulomb friction (particularly page 6).

The Sistrum products are worth an audition.
I don't know what keeping the energy "inside" a component is all about; is that the magic dust?

You'll find that as far as dirt cheap vibrational treatments go, Cardas Myrtle wood blocks generally won't do harm and will, in most cases, make an improvement well worth the minuscule expenditure and if they don't it's no great loss. As far as more expensive products, there are a myriad that all work for some and not for others. If you're going to throw down a lot of cash, I'd recommend talking to owners of the components you are thinking about treating first.

Here's a nice guide to several devices that is pretty accurate in my experience: