@o_holter Whilst there is an inquisitiveness to discover if there is more to be offered from the Cart' when used in different permutations with additional ancillaries, your first experience has served to support some of the experiences reported on here, that there are Ancillaries that can be a little underwhelming once experienced within the home system.
There are ancillaries that can be used that are quite capable of taking up the position permanently and supersede the use of a Dedicated MC Staged.
The ideal outcome might be an ancillary is discovered that is very attractive to yourself and one that extends your enjoyment of your Cart' allowing for two different approaches to how it presents with an equally good impression being made through the use of each configuration.
As said, previously within this Thread, I have had experiences with a Head Amp > owned Phon', that has been Jaw Droppingly Good for certain Types of Music, but the Head Amp has proved, to be a little difficult to recreate this on the other owned Phon'. The SUT's work better for me with this both owned Phon's and when one Phon' has been out on loan, the users of it have opted for the Phon' to be used with a SUT or Head Amp in place of the dedicated MC Stage.
The SUT's work with the colouration of Valves to various influences, richness and a Loose Low Frequency can be perceived as increased, through to, Transparency is seemingly being presented with a Tight Lean Low Frequency and accentuated Mid's and High Frequencies are seemingly projected.
My experience of the Head Amp has been to perceive the presentation as quite Transparent, much increased over the SUT's that can create this perception. The Bass Depth available from certain designs of Head Amp can be visceral on the body and way beyond what one might have expected.
As a suggestion I would encourage a range of SUT's and Head Amp's to be tried, as you have a Dedicated MC Stage there is no rush, but the new experiences are enjoyable and in general are very easy to be put in place, hence the Jaw Dropping experience.