One dedicated circuit for each mono block?

If I have a dedicated 20 amp Circuit is that ok for two monoblocs? I read that a separate dedicated line is better for each amplifier. So the outlet can't have two plugs but it's better to not use one of the two plugs when connecting a mono block?

I have a transparent Power isolator which I know use to plug amps into.

So maybe a dedicated circuit can be used to plug amps directly into and then have Power isolator connected to a separate Circuit for everything else.

I am trying to evaluate the merits and to need for getting a second dedicated line while installing the first.



I am thinking I should pull one of those old outlets without the third wire and see what’s going on back there.

It sounds like you’re referring to having an outlet with only two spade inlets (with no 3rd for ground). Yes, that was typical in older homes; even ones built in the 60’s. One can many times just replace the outlet with a standard (non-isolated ground) outlet (which uses the conduit or metal clad cable ground), and you’ll then have a NEC rated grounded outlet. This is an affordable needed tool when doing that:

AC outlet tester

@dpop  , thanks!  I do have the tester already  (I was dropping some new lines in previously)  I take it that  the 'standard (non-isolated ground) outlet (which uses the conduit or metal clad cable ground)' you referred to will have the 3rd ground.  I wonder if tht is what they did in the rest of the house where the outlets do have the 3rd ground?  I have tested them all with the AC tester and the lights do illuminate properly as advertised.  I think that I should pull some of those outlets off & see what I have got going on back there. . . .


I think that I should pull some of those outlets off & see what I have got going on back there. . . .

I would be very surprised if any of your 3-prong outlets have a 3rd wire ground connected to the outlet’s ground terminal (many 1960’s house outlets don’t). Someone at some point probably replaced many of your house’s 2-prong outlets with 3-prong outlets. For some reason, that 2-prong outlet that you’re referring to was missed.

I take it that  the 'standard (non-isolated ground) outlet (which uses the conduit or metal clad cable ground)' you referred to will have the 3rd ground.  I wonder if that is what they did in the rest of the house where the outlets do have the 3rd ground?

My guess is yes, that is the case.

Post removed 

Thanks again, @dpop  I was behind my panel in the last few weeks adding some additional lines and I recall being confused that there was not nearly as many uninsulated grounds as there were whites on the neutral/ground bar.  what is interesting is that all of the 2 spade outlets are all the same circuit that they did not do.  Yuk, the more I learn the more I wonder what I paid the home inspector for 30 years ago.