Loving my tube Preamp, Class A amplifier. Whats your favorite amplifiyer combination?

I have had my Class A "Aegir" amplifier(s) x2 running in mono purchased about 6 months ago, combined with my Audio Research LS 25 Line Stage Tube Preamplifier and have been loving this combination. This is by far the sweetest sounding stereo sytem I have owned. These are couples with my Wilson-Benesch Square 2 speakers and REL 5/Tx (x2) subs. What combination of separates has re-energized your love of music?


op, there are many many wonderful combinations

it is all about the amplifier/speaker load match to the room and desired volume levels, then you work back and synergize the preamp/linestage to sound beautiful with the amplifier

i have had your arc linestage as well as still having a pair of aegirs, but that particular model of arc was already gone, several years ago... i am nonetheless pretty confident the combo is terrific sounding, as is your wise choice of speaker/sub combo


Benchmark LA4 preamp | CODA #8 amp

CODA 07x preamp | Benchmark AHB2 mono

Benchmark LA4 preamp | Benchmark AHB2 mono

CODA 07x preamp | CODA #8 (though CODA #16 would be better)

Schitt Freya+ tube preamp | Benchmark AHB2 mono

CODA 07x preamp | KRELL Dou 175XD amp

Benchmark LA4 preamp | KRELL Duo 175XD amp

All of the listed combos were great. My to the grave combo I have in the office is the Benchmark LA4 preamp + AHB2 monos. I still need to buy a preamp and amp for my Livingroom system. Chances are it will be the LA4 preamp with a KRELL DUO amp (or CODA #16).

I sold all of the gear listed above except the LA4 and AHB2. I bought and sold the AHB2 amp 4x before I decided to use them permanently in my office.