Qln, Joseph Audio, Audiovector, Marten, or Canton...?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers. My amp is an NAD M10 with Dirac Live room correction, so bass response is adjustable to an extent.

For domestic tranquility they must be relatively compact with a wood finish. Floorstanders, not standmount. Budget of up to $15k-ish, but less is better.

My list consists of the following:

  • Qln Prestige 3
  • Joseph Audio Perspective 2
  • Audiovector R3 Arrete
  • Marten Oscar Duo
  • Canton Reference 7K

Any and all impressions of these speakers, particularly any comparisons between them, are very much welcome. Thank you!


Audio Vector R3s are wonderful speakers.   My friend owns a set and they sound magnificent.  In addition, consider a used set of Dali Epicon 6’s.  Another great looking and sounding smallish floor stander. 

Both offer great resolution, detail and neutrality, but done in a very engaging manner.  Both  have deep and articulate bass to boot! 

Ugh. I wholeheartedly agree on the JA Perspective 2 and @grannyring makes more good points. $15-$20k is such a competitive price point with so many incredible choices, I’m not sure if I more envy or pity you at this point. High-quality problem either way I guess.

Uh, just saw these JA Perspective 2s in the gorgeous Sapele finish at almost half price.  You could be a happy owner with an extra $7k-$12k in the bank or that could be used for further upgrades.  Just sayin’.  Happy hunting!


I checked out the Audio Vector R1 Arrete recently and was mightily impressed.  I would assume that the R2 Arrete would continue that performance.

with any of these choices you will need a better amp

out of all of your choices 


the altas are amazing for he money

the audiovecctors are really good so re the martens