audiotroy OPI have to write replies on my phone as it is easier to finger type as I h ad a stroke which was mentioned previously
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excerpted from this discussion.
Combination streamer and music server…without DAC
Re. Combination streamer and music server without DAC: There don’t seem to be too many of these out there and when I do see them, they tend to be quite pricey (Aurender N20). I would like to use the DAC on my CD player. I’m looking for something used, between $3K and $4K. I suppose Lumin is an option by purchasing an L1 storage unit but I’m trying to avoid having another box. I have about 300 to 400 cd’s. Any suggestions? Thanks.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ excerpted from this discussion.
I think Audiotroy is as welcome here as most everyone else. If you're disgusted, maybe you're in the wrong place. |
thank you steakster
the fact is we put our money where our mouth is we heard the evos were stellar performers so we imported them and then did our do diligence by testing them vs the competition as you pointed out this is how we all learn about new products if someone doesnt like our posts please just skip over them we sell our servers with a two week money back trial so people can decide for themselves to date 0 returns.
also where in the post did we put down the competition? six we have clients who used to own innous and now use the EVO no put down there also innous is not upgradable we used to sell innous that is a statement of fact In Innous can not be hardware upgraded
a zen can not turn into a zenith a zenith can not be turned into a statement We did a shootout of our aeon vs a statement with upgraded power supply it cost 3 times more and did not sound better that is not putting down the competition that is an opinion and an acount of what both of us heard. censorship in a forum is a bad idea there are rapid aureder fans and maggie and vandy fans who post all the time if someone says they heard a pair of maggies sound better thea pair of magicos that is an opinion we all have our favorite products the difference is we move into new lines all the time as per servers and streamers we have sold most of them including aurender sotm, Innous, auraylic and a few others
Dave and Troy audio intellect nj |
I've got no horse in this race, but audiotroy has as much right as anyone to say that he prefers one particular piece of kit over another. Almost everyone on the forum does that in one way or another. That said, he does often come across as a shill, which to my mind does more damage than good for any marketing intent he has. Lots of people are put off as the conversation approaches used car sales pitch territory. As for me, I tend to just ignore specific thread posts that don't interest me, so no vote from me one way or the other as to whether he stays or goes. It's up to the forum moderators to determine if any no-no line has been crossed. |
Not a fan of the shameless promotion when we have run other people off this forum for being shills and peddlers. He should take an ad out on this site. Most other dealers on this forum have the integrity to refrain from posting on threads like this. Personally I would never spend a dime with that outfit. |