Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable

Hi .

i am looking at  Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable. The specs look great but I have no experience with this brand .

Has anyone tried this cable and what are your impressions ?  With which (perhaps more expensive competition) can it be compared ?



Big believer in high quality 10 awg power cords. That will run you about $100. Beyond that, it’s marketing, visual aesthetics, and sometimes snake oil.

Cue the "your system just isn’t good enough" argument.


@carlsbad not at all. I just like having quality constructed OCC products and Zafino fits the bill and I did not have to cash in a 529 plan. 

@jerryg123 You aren't the OP but I'm glad to see a Jerry that has plenty of money for such things.  And I really have no problem with that.  I certainly would expect this to be a high quality cable.  

Many speakers have a $5000 or much more set of beautiful polished wood cabinets that do nothing for the sound.  But people aren't criticized for buying them.



Let Jason Bourne speak his spiel every time the subject comes up. We all know what he is going to say about cables.  He’s harmless.  Let us all chip in and buy him a set of lamp cords for Christmas.