Let me help @jasonbourne52 out. He is correct, but he doesn't know why.
Excerpt from Novo Hifi excerpt:
An electrical anomaly known as the “skin effect” occurs when electrons move through any solid core wire. Higher frequencies travel along the outside (the skin) of the conductor faster than midrange and lower echelon frequencies. This results in hazy PRaT, muddled instrumental timbres, and an unnatural sound.
This is a power cord for goodness sake. It just carries juice. Power supplied to your home does not have multiple frequencies. It has one single frequency - 50Hz here in the UK; 60Hz in the US, So the reference in the review to multiple frequencies is hogwash, (perhaps written by a crazy PRaT). Why are so many people so naive as to believe this tosh? As long as the wire layout is big enough to carry the required amps its construction is irrelevant to the sound of components that use that power.