Why does my Denon 5910CE transport not sound good?

I've tried the Denon as a transport CD-player for my new Bel Canto dac3. I swear, an optical connection from my Mac computer, using iTunes, sounds far superior. More channel seperation, a wider frequency range and a great soundstage.
The outputs of my dac3 are running balanced into a Mcintosh MC275. I was hoping for it to be a jack of all trades, but if it doesn't cut it as a CD transport..... I am wondering if it has something to do with the Denon being a single ended, unbalanced machine.
I've heard Sony's make for good CD transports. Any wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Perhaps some burn in is needed? From what I read the big reason to buy one of these is the video performance. (as in one of the best out there.) It wouldn't surprise me that a decent stand-alone cd/sacd player might out perform the Denon. I own an Arcam which the mags raved about (audio and video/wise)but I never played more than a couple of cds on it.---At that time I had the Theta Gen 5,A,+ the 24/96 mod.
There is a reason some pay 10k for a transport/only.
thanks guys.
I've heard that the Sony CD transports are excellent. The Rotel RCD-1072 has one, and reviewers on Stereophile have used them as CD transports for auditioning equipment.
I beleive the Denon has a Pioneer transport.
May be the laser was optimized for reading SACD layer?
As an SACD player, it still one of the best for under $1000 ?