Advantages of Powered speakers
- Each driver is optimized by t’s own amp
- Better transient response
- No speaker cables
- No crossovers after the amp
- No speaker level crossover design problems
- Amps designed for impedance of the driver
- Amps designed for proper power handling of driver
- Amps are more efficient designed for a smaller power window
- Amp is directly connected to the driver
- Amp dampens the voice coil perfectly
- Amps can be up to ½ the power (lest cost more reliability)
- No loss between amp and driver
- Better size vs. output ratio
- Speakers are tuned by the designer
- More accurate than random amp / driver combos
- Better frequency response
- Better phase response
These are just what I can think of off the top of my head, arguing against powered speakers is saying a random amp and speaker can sound better than a synergisticly designed amp driver system.
Powered speakers used at concerts.
Meyer Sound (first hand experience with them, great)
JBL (great, but not as good as Meyer)
QSC (have always been good)
Again I’m talking about best practices not cheep speakers.