Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Does anyone mind commenting on speaker cables that match with thiel and big amps, I am using a high current solid state amplifier, so far I have tried


1.a cheap set of 14awg multi-stranded planet waves cables that seems to be very balanced over all but not as detailed, this is what I was initially using, very decent

2. analysis plus - oval 9 - sounded really off with my system, not sure if i waited long enough for them to break in or even if break in is real, but the sound stage was odd tall but not expanding past the speakers horizontally,  and there was an spotlight affect where upper mid range seemed emphasized

3. the music cable TMC -multi-strand solid core - very smooth, decent balance, somewhat rolled in the highs, which seems to make the mid more emphasized, these were probably the most easy going cables that are

4. anti-cables - solid core single wire- smooth smooth vocals, but over all not sounding very balanced, seems like the highs were rolled off, the vocals were really pleasing on these, notably smoother than all the others


5. kimber 8pr - multistranded cores - super clear, very bassy, somewhat bright.  These are pretty decent. The clarity compared to the previous cables is very evident. Analytic is a good descriptor. These are slightly bright which make them less musical in some way.But i am currently still using them because they are the most revealing cables so far.


Are these cables with that mix the smoothness of the anitcables/solid core but with more detail and extension as the kimber, I want to try something with multiple solid cores, semi-tempted to try making some cables out of cat6a just to see how it would sound





I see that you own a sweet pair of CS 2.4 plus Outriggers Speakers!

Best practice, stick with a Copper cable. No Silver. Audioquest (AQ), Cardas, Kimber Kable, Purist Audio Designs, Transparent and Wireworld, are all sonic matches. The key is to dial-in said Cables to your Power Amp.


Which brand are you enjoying?


Happy Listening!

@halifax  You should demo Cardas Clear Reflexion if you can get some on loan, best ones i can think of for Thiel speakers.

You can probably find them used.




I am using a Legacy Audio amplifier built by Coda


Thieliste - will add those to the list and keep an eye out for a used pair to try