Bigger rooms better for sound?

I am planning to move all my equipment to a bigger room hoping it will sound even better.  It has a higher ceiling and several feet more in length and width.  And my speakers will have no problem filling the space.

I will miss the cozy room but it makes sense if I want to improve my sound at least that is what I hope for.

Why do larger rooms and a higher ceiling improve things?



I think the shape of the room is more important than the size.

That’s what she said.  She lied.

Soix, Great answer. Hope it's all true. I don't think the chance of echoes is a concern, the higher ceilings should be helpful as untreated as they are.  I think all the pressure amplitudes Will behave a lot better and not quarrel so much amongst them selves.

 Plus it's an overall more comfortable room as spacious rooms tend to be.  


My listening room has 16ft ceilings and is 45 feet wide and 35 feet deep, I've found the huge space to make the sound absolutely amazing as well, great discussion.

I have a 25+ foot ceiling in my Livingroom and even with a speaker relatively close to the front wall, but very far from the side walls the sound is pleasantly great. The room is 15 x 20 x 25+ and it opens up to a family room. A lot of volume. 

I only tested this out with LONG wall placement with a far distance to the side walls. I will try the SHORT wall placement too (need to buy a Livingroom system again) which will allow for placement further away from the front wall.