Amplifier matching with Graham ls 6 speakers

I have purchased a pair of Graham LS 6speakers and I’m looking for a solid-state streaming integrated amplifier to pair with them. My vitals are: 

1. I bought them for their lush mid range and I want an amplifier that will preserve that mid range.

2. My priorities are sound quality and ease of operation. For that reason I want to purchase a streaming integrated amplifier.
3. I would anticipate spending approximately $2000, but would go up to $3000 if it would make a meaningful difference.

4. My preferred music is female vocals, opera, folk music, and beautiful melodies such as from the scores of movie like Out of Africa, cinema Paradiso, gladiator, etc. I don’t care for treble and I don’t need an excessive amount of base as I don’t usually listen to rock.

5. The speakers will be placed in a large living room (14 feet wide by 37 feet long).They will be placed a few feet in from the longer wall and I will be sitting approximately 8 feet away. I don’t care about the sound in the rest of the room.

I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks. 



Thank you. I am not adverse to buying used components; in fact these speakers I bought were purchased used. I think I eventually will want to get a tube amplifier, but since these are the first speakers I have ever bought (before this I listened through headphones) I think I prefer starting off with solid state.

I should have also mentioned that the Graham ls 6 speakers are 8 ohms; have an impedance of 87 db’s; and the recommended power for an amplifier is listed as 50 to 150 watts.

This Parasound should fit the bill! It’s a tad over your budget but it includes a DAC!!


You might look at The Music Room.  It has a couple of interesting integrated units, namely Classe's two hundred watt blow torch with contemporary connections, or Unison Research integrated with 80 watts; but you know it would crush your Grahams!!  Good luck  (Personally, I'd go with Classe)