Sonic differences Ariston 11S vs Linn LP-12

Many say these two units compare favorably. Has anyone owned one of each with the same arm and done side-by-side comparison? What were your thoughts?

Ivor did not design the LP12 as he claims! The basic design/concept was done by Ariston's Stuart Hamish. The RD and the LP12 are close cousins. Ivor's real claim to fame is his premise that the signal source is most fundamental for sound quality and cannot be corrected for later in the component chain. 

Oh yes, Ivor went to a conical bearing rather than a ball bearing in the Ariston RD. Sonically it doesn't matter! 

@jasonbourne52   Sorry, but the bearing design is one of the most important aspects of the LP12. Anyone who owns one would know this. For example, the new Karousel bearing is a MAJOR upgrade over even the prior Cirkus bearing, which was itself a major upgrade over the prior bearing design.