HoloAudio STREAMER is out now

I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing. 

People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g. 

Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?



@curiousjim They have had them for about 3 years now and refer to them as DDC.

DDC | Denafrips

At least I believe they function as streamers.


DDC | Denafrips

At least I believe they function as streamers.

I don’t believe DDC’s are called streamers. DDC are "Digital to Digital Converter" which means they convert from one protocol to another, or from one digital interface to another digital interface, eg. USB -> SPDIF. Streamers are something that can play music of their own either as a network renderer when using a control point or a server. A DDC cannot play music by its own - it needs a streamer/server. This Holo Red is the only device on the market that I am aware of that combines a DDC and Streamer into a single device.

@yyzsantabarbara : what did you end up getting as a headphone amp, with streaming DAC built in (Roon Ready)? Matrix Mini-i Pro 3? Sorry I don’t recall 

could be a good one

inside looks very neat, unclear how effective the isolation is handled, that will be a major determinant of sound quality, perhaps hans b or darko will do a review

i do wish they would make em in silver or black 🤣


@thyname I got a few headphone amps and kept 2.

Matrix Mini Pro 3 - this one is almost like a portable DAC/amp. At least it is easy to move to various room in the house or backyard. It also sounds pretty good, as do most $1000 DACs. That reminds me I need to help a friend set his mini up.

Benchmark BHA-1 - A bit too fatiguing so sold it. I loved the look of it though. This amp maybe nice with the Musetec oo5 DAC I have. I never tried them together.

Benchmark HPA4 - a great headphone amp and a great 2-channel preamp. I sold it by mistake, but I no longer needed the headphone amp part because I ONLY use RAAL SR1a and CA-1a phones. I ended up buying the Benchmark LA4 preamp to replace the HPA4. Though I made money on the sale of the HPA4. The HPA4 + old Meze Empy is great, not RAAL SR1A great but great in a headphones kind of way. The RAAL SR1a is a level beyond headphones.

Schitt Jotenhuim R + Sony SCD-1 SACD player - I have this in my second office room. I also have a Topping top end DAC hooked up to it. THis is used for the RAAL SR1a and CA-1a.

RAAL VM-1a - this is an incredible tube headphone amp solely made for the SR1a and CA-1a. I cannot imagine anything better than these 2 phones with the VM-1a. I use a neutral DAC with this amp, the Benchmark DAC3B. It is not as good with the smoother sounding Musetec 005 DAC.

I am building a Livingroom system and it has to sound as good or better than the VM-1a and the SR1a combo. Not an easy task.