My speakers are fully horn loaded, with a 90 degrees directivity radius, in a room that is arguably too small for them. I insist on keeping them because they're a 20 years DIy development and they are "my babies" plus I'm just renting the place and will probably move to a different place at some point. But in the current room, placement and toe-in are a real PITA... half an inch or a single degree of toe-in change the presentation completely. Finding the right positioning requires a lot of sweat and tears as the location that gives the smoothest response isn't the one that gives the best imaging, and so on. Too much toe-in and you feel like you're listening sitting in giant earphones, OK for rock but very unnatural for anything else; not enough and it's wide and airy but lacks solidity in the center. Currently I have them in an equilateral triangle and very very slightly toed-in; this gives me the best compromise I feel, with a nice smooth midrange and well defined left to right panning but depth could be much better; also upper bass suffers a little and lacks punch (crazy for a pair of horn-loaded 15inch!) but I chose to sacrifice that. Locations that give me hard hitting, super dynamic bass suffer in midrange smoothness and gets too much "in your face".
All in all it's still very enjoyable and musical but I keep fantasizing about hearing them in the right room. I had them in a very large room in the past, but I've made some upgrades recently and never got to hear those as it should; but that's life!