Help with a system for a guy into electronic music

Hey guys, I've been reading some different threads on here, and it's been really helpful, but I just wanted to get a little advice. I'm a big electronic music guy, love trance, progressive house, progressive breaks, cinematic breaks, some dub. I've been doing some research, testing things out and I've come up with this package:

1. Dynaudio Focus 160
2. Simaudio Moon 340i w/DAC, XLR & Phono
3. 2 x JL Audio f113's.

The system will be going in my living room, up against a drywall. The ceilings are 10ft, and concrete. The dimensions of the room are 18x21. Unfortunatley the living room is on the corner of the building, which means two of the walls are all windows (8ft windows)--trying to find thick curtains to help with this.

Do you think this package will work will? Would you recommend I try something different?
Oh, my last add on some hefty floorstanders, I've not heard these but the new Revel F208s look tasty! 3-ways with 2x8" woofers, brutish looking cabinets; you won't need stands and could have mains that give a more fullrange sound.
Kzhtoo: both. Depends on the mood. Some days is all Jon Hopkins, some days is all a&b. what exactly is the be tweeter? Beryllium tweeter?
Yes, I meant Beryllium tweeter. A&B is one of my favorites as well. Check out the below link. It's not A&B but if you're an edm fan, you'll love it. A&B also performed on the same stage on the same weekend, but youtube somehow removed their video :(
Colonel - I am by no means an expert on active speakers, but 4 that come to mind are...

-- Dynaudio, like these.
-- Focal, like these.
-- ATC, like these.
-- PMC, like these.

It will be quite a challenge to audition all of those, but if you could listen to one or two, you might get an idea of what active speakers have to offer. Though keep in mind that active speakers do not all sound alike, any more than passive ones do, so the speakers above will have unique presentations. Hope that helps. Maybe someone who has more experience with active speakers will make a suggestion.

And, FWIW, I think you can get to where you want to be with either the active or passive approach, provided you have very good bass in all three of the following...

1. frequency response
2. transient response
3. headroom

It is in #3, headroom, that active speakers often have an advantage over passive speakers. But, IMO, all three of the above are essential to excellent bass, and excellent bass is essential to a satisfying experience listening to electronic music. On the topic of optimizing both frequency response and transient response, you may find this thread interesting.

Oh, and... if you do go the sub route, prepare yourself for a potentially VERY long setup process. It can take as long as a day for an initial setup, and literally months of occasional tinkering to get everything dialed in.
