Please, what DAC is this?

I'm daft and unable to attach photos from my library.  Arrgghh!!!

DAC is small shoebox, polished stainless steel with large shrift Zorro like Z slashed through DAC-1 on the end cap.  I thought it to be an Audio Mirror NOS, but cannot correlate through research.  BNC only.

Thank you.   Cheers


Just guessing based on your description…Audio note DAC zero? They specialize in limited inputs and kits are/were available. Perhaps you saw a custom build?



Thanks for the responses.  A picture really is worth a thousand words as this would be solved in 5 seconds.  I'll call off the search.  It's not a Zanden.  Thank you all.  Cheers

Found it!  Audio Sector DAC-1.  Usually came mounted on a piece of wood naked. Found reference to it in one of my old posts.  I know, nobody cares.  Cheers

Mystery solved. You're probably relieved in way like when you finally remember the name of that person you attended school with, and you just ran into at the supermarket. 😀